If you’ve ever introduced a plant to your garden, you’re probably aware of just how difficult it can be to transition plants to new homes, and the toll it can take on sensitive greenery. However, transplanting your precious plants may be necessary for their survival.
Whether your plant is root bound, needs a soil refresh, or is simply not growing in the ideal spot, giving plants a change of scenery can help them to thrive.
How to limit transplant shock
If you need to move some plants, you can limit the impact on them by practising safe and careful transplanting techniques. Read on for five transplanting tips to help limit transplant shock and get your plants back on track.
Use symbiotic fungi
Symbiotic fungi are supplements you can incorporate into your plant’s diet to build resilience and lessen sensitivity. Certain types of fungi additives form a symbiotic relationship with plant roots, allowing you to transport them without fear of extreme shock and potential death.
Avoid touching roots
Transplanting from a tight space to a larger area can be tricky, especially for fussy plant varieties. Though some tougher species can handle root disturbances and sunlight changes, others need consistency to thrive, so careful transplantation is critical.
When removing a plant from its pot, make sure to limit root exposure to any finger oils or breakage. Be gentle and take extreme caution with fragile root systems; lightly shake dirt and debris free before repotting into new soil.
Take as many roots as possible
Although roots prefer to stay undisturbed, sometimes rearranging root systems is unavoidable to ensure continued growth. When transplanting, avoid snipping or pulling away a significant amount of roots, and try to keep as many root systems in place as possible. That way, your plant will have a solid foundation to spread into its new home.
Water gently
A common mishap many gardeners run into when transplanting is overwatering. This can result in flooding and potential root failure. Too much moisture can cause leaves to wilt or fall off, and root systems to rot. Overwatering is particularly easy to do if you’ve had to remove some roots while transplanting, as there are less roots to take up the water.
Overwatering can also attract gnats and other invasive plant species. Whether you’re transplanting indoors or outdoors, limiting water during the initial transition and prepping garden areas for weather is essential to keep your plants happy.
Have patience
Though there are plenty of ways to reduce transplant shock in your plants, some potted plants will need time to adapt to their new home. Expect some drooping and shedding from more sensitive species.
You should also resist the temptation to fiddle with your plants; they may just need time to adjust in peace. While you may want immediate results, try to remain patient, as some plants require days or weeks to bounce back after root exposure and introduction to foreign soil.
Transplant shock is preventable
Transplant shock for your plants is one of the challenges that gardening hands us. However, there are steps you can take to ensure your plants stay healthy, happy, and thriving. By using symbiotic fungi supplements, handling roots gently, watering carefully, and having patience, you can give your plants the best chance of bouncing back even better.
Have you got any tips for moving plants to a new location?
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